Wake up with us every Saturday this season on the POMcast

Join us bright and early every Saturday this fall at 6 AM ET on The POMcast.

By: B&S Staff

@biscuitsandsec; @OlePositively


We announced this earlier this week on Twitter, but in case you missed it, we’ve got some news.

Steven Willis of Positively Ole Miss and the One Team Media family (@oneteammedia), as well as the host of a growing YouTube channel and shows like The POMcast and SEC After Dark, has invited us to do a weekly spot on his channel. We’re thrilled and pumped for the opportunity to talk ball with him every week.

We’ll record our preview of the Saturday slate during the week, chock full of Fanalysis: players to watch, player matchups to keep an eye on, and game previews. The weekly feature will air on the Positively Ole Miss YouTube channel at 6 AM ET every Saturday morning during the season.

Brew that coffee, take those biscuits out of the oven, let that bacon start sizzling, and join us at the ass crack of dawn to get ready for a long day of tailgating, football, the high of wins and the lows of crushing losses. We know you’ll be up anyway because every Saturday with college football is like Christmas morning for middle-aged men like us. If you miss the show when it goes live, you’ll be able to watch it anytime after it airs.

You can save this article and watch the first episode when it airs below or at this link. Thanks for all the support so far - we’re excited to hang out with Steven every week and talk SEC football, what we started Biscuits & SEC to do.

Join us on Saturday!


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